Did you know that YouTube is the #2 ranking search engine? That’s because video content rules! Video is a powerful medium that allows you to tell your story both visually and audibly. Let’s get the camera rolling!

55% of people
watch videos online every day

74% of all internet traffic
will come from video views this year

69% of smartphone users
say videos are a perfect solution for smartphone viewing as it offers a quick way for consumers to grasp an overview of a product

Open rates increase by 19%
when using the word ‘video’ in an email subject line

85% of Facebook videos
are watched without sound

45% of people
watch more than one hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week

68% of YouTube users
watched videos to help make a purchasing decision

Searches of “how to” videos on YouTube are
growing 70% per year
Understanding the goal of your video is important and will drive the style of video. For example, if the goal of your video is to provide instructions on how to install a product, you might want to include text allowing the viewer to clearly read and listen to your tuitorial.
Crafting an effective video means you must engage the right audience. All aspects of your video need to reflect what your audience is expecting to see. For example, if your target audience is decision makers, your content must speak to WHY and HOW your product or service will benefit their company.
CA primary goal of video content is for the viewer to take note of your brand. Splashing your logo as big as you can during the intro may be a little too ‘in your face.’ Instead, stay on brand in more subtle ways—use brand colors, mention your company in the voiceover, include your URL at the end, or possibly add your logo small in a footer. Considering the viewer’s POV is key when deciding how to build your brand awareness.
Chances are that your video will be viewed on a smartphone or tablet. Consider the size of the screen when creating your video and ensure your visuals are not too small.
Make sure your sound is clear – rarely will someone watch a video where the volume is too low or there is a lot of background noise or wind blowing through a mic. Get your main message across in the first 10 seconds of your video as chances are viewers might not finish watching the whole video.
Cleanly designed videos make for easier watching and a better viewer experience. Avoid over stimulating your viewer. Keep transitions clean and footage steady. Remember, less is more.